April 15, 2014



April 2014OMG I’m so tired I could pass out any second. Did I tell you I moved this weekend? Well I did and I’m so happy! It’s a beautiful small little apartment just five blocks down my street in the Etienne Marcel area and I’m completely in love. Though it’s a bit smaller it has so much more charm (photos will come when I more settled). Anyway so this took the entire weekend. Then unpacking been a never-ending-story. There’s just not enough of storage in the apartment so this afternoon I went to Ikea for like 5 hours (!). I think it must be some kind of a record?! Yet I didn’t manage to get all the stuff I needed since I didn’t have enough space in the car. Tomorrow will the last unpacking and buildning before I’m off to Stockholm for Easter (can’t freaking wait)!

Also I wanted to thank all you guys for helping me move this weekend! I’m still a bit touched by everyone that showed up especially since Paris is not my hometown and I don’t have everyone around me that normally would show up. It really ment the world to me!! BIG KISS

NathalieWillebrand @ Instagram