FINALLY the BEST rain boots EVER! What can I say they’re so rad. Ahh perfect choice for today. LaLaalalalalaa…x
LOVE a good deal from Nathalie Schuterman 70% sale. Guess what’s in the bag!?!
BEST thing since Fiona Apple must be miss Lana del Rey. What can I see she’s absolutely amazing and one must love her asymmetric lips. Gosh gimme red curls again! So that’s mostly what’s on my mind. My hair. It’s just growing and growing. I believe goes down to my lower back. Cant remember it ever been this long. A bit sun bleached so maybe something new for the weekend. Hope I get the time! Later, N
ph. Lana Del Rey by Mario Testino Vogue UK March 2012.
BACK on the road again! Me and Apollo are facing spring today. Did I tell you he got raped? Well here’s the story, on Friday after work when I was going home he was absolutely nowhere to be found. So I assumed someone stolen it. Bastard! Then on Saturday when I was drifting around the shops I just couldn’t accept the fact that my bike was gone. GONE. So I walked over to where I’d parked him and started looking around – me acting detective HAHA! But guess what a few minutes later I found him squeezed into a corner – totally damaged. Poor boy. But once I got him out he was actually still rolling. So happy and cant believe I found him again. Well that’s love. X
clothing #hm bag #marcbymarcjacobs bike #vintage
FRIDAY music is on. Here’s Lana Del Rey with “Born to Die”. She the real shit. Pardon my French. More here.