September 26, 2011


New York


on our way to us post office

ALRIGHT I haven’t really had a good time to tell you my secret and I don’t really think there will be a right time for it either – I’m moving back to Stockholm. There we go. Sad huh? As you know I absolutely LOVE the city but there’s actually something quite fantastic waiting for me back home that I will tell you about soon. Living in Manhattan for over 2,5 years, having amazing friends and the best boyfriend, definitely didn’t make my decision any easier. For four days now I’ve been packing, having coffee and cocktails at my favorite spots, delicious dinners, embracing my favorite streets and parks, with people that I love. Because all of you have become like a family to me. When you work hard and barely have any time to go back and visit your real family you build a new one that comes to mean everything for you. Little did I know it could hurt so much. Anyway I know you all will come and visit me and so will I – it’s just a flight away. And here’s some sneakpics from Friday when me, Jessica and Karin were packing.


karin documenting


sea of shoes


jessica on the road

source: cross processed

NathalieWillebrand @ Instagram