April 27, 2012



LAST night it was time for the Aussome You event @Villa Contemporary Art. There was champagne, mini-burgers, DJ Linda to live music by Coco all nicely arranged by Jung. It was so much fun meeting you all and seeing every bloggers’ products with their quotes on. Mine was obviously about shoes: “Always wear fashionable shoes and you’ll twinkle.” Basically, it all comes down to when I dont know what to wear I always start with the shoes. A really nice pair of heels can fix anything from an outfit, date to a job – and preferably in a fancy color. So why not a fab shoe box for your killers? THANK YOU all for coming! I had an amazing time. Promise to post more photos when I’m home but here’s some from my iPhone – off for dinner! xoxo

aussie event.aussie event.

1. me talking about my quote 2. my shoe box “always wear fashionable shoes and you’ll twinkle”

aussie event.aussie event.

3. holy sweets 4. DJ Linda Sundblad

NathalieWillebrand @ Instagram