July 14, 2011



day 4 hoilday

AFTER a record fast shopping tour at Woodbury Outlet (I know know lot’s of shopping but it’s simply so much cheaper here) we drove out to the Hamptons to celebrate 4th of July. Some beach, some rosé and some low-key dinner at John Scott’s – lobster rolls and mozzarella sticks – made our day.

day 4 hoilday

we’re on the road again

day 4 hoilday

hello Hamptons!

day 4 hoilday


day 4 hoildayday 4 hoilday

girls together

day 4 hoilday

magic sunset

day 4 hoilday

very busy

day 4 hoilday

time for food

day 4 hoildayday 4 hoildayday 4 hoilday

and some hot tub

NathalieWillebrand @ Instagram